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AUG 1ST  We are again at the beginning of another month, and I only hope that before the end of it, we shall be well out of this terrible country, we get orders to be ready to move at a moments notice.

LV Brigade  D/55 moved into Thorny Nullah being relieved at Abu Roman by C/56.Lieut V Beith went to hospital sick.

C Battery  Nothing of importance to record.

AUG 2ND  We leave camp at 2.30 this morning, the guns having come out of action, last night.  We go about 5 miles and pitch camp to wait for the convoy going down to Sheik-Saad.  We expect to move tomorrow night.  A very strong wind is blowing the dust about in clouds, it fills your eyes and mouth with grit.

LV Brigade  Nothing to note.

C Battery  Reinforcements 1 Bom 1Gunner & 1 Driver joined Battery.

AUG 3RD  Stay in the camp, (Twin Canals) all day, expect to leave very early in the morning for Sheik-Saad, the wind is still very strong, and the dust is terrible, we are just like ghosts walking about.

LV Brigade  Nothing to note.

C Battery  Nothing of importance to record.

AUG 4TH  Get ready to leave camp at 2 o clock in the morning.  I ride in a waggon and get nearly choked in dust, we get to camp about 7 o clock.  I come across one of my pals, he had been attached to the Am. C. and having a very cosy time of it, he heard that I was coming down so he had bought a tin of salmon, and he gave me a loaf of bread, besides a piece of bacon and some tea, I didnt half enjoy it, then I got some bacon and biscuits for my own breakfast about 9 o clock, so I felt alright, after dinner I sent cards to L and home, at night we got some reinforcements from India, so we look like going in action again, it is two years today since war was declared, and I was then enjoying myself at Douglas.

LV Brigade  Nothing to note.

C Battery  Nothing of importance to record.

AUG 5TH  I am doing Sanitary work, but am not killing myself with work, I have found out a tip, worth two of that.

LV Brigade  Nothing to note.

C Battery  Nothing of importance to record.

AUG 6TH  I spend my last Rupee on a packet of biscuits, now that all the Battery are together, we are not getting very much grub and since I came out of hospital I can eat anything.  Three join at a small loaf of bread, and I feel like eating a loaf myself every meal, we are expecting the other Batteries down here any day, and now we here rumours of going to Egypt.

LV Brigade  Nothing to note.

C Battery  Nothing of importance to record.

AUG 7TH  The weather is still very hot at midday, but it goes cool at night, the rumour is still very strong that we are going to Cairo (Egypt), and things seem to point to our moving away from here by the preparations that are going on.

LV Brigade  Nothing to note.

C Battery  Nothing of importance to record.

AUG 8TH  I feel unwell this morning, but towards evening I feel alright again, the sooner we leave this country the better, for most of us are mere shadows of our former selves.  We give our pay books in, to draw some pay.

LV Brigade  Nothing to note.

C Battery  Nothing of importance to record.

AUG 9TH  Send cards to L and home, all the men are in good spirits for they expect to leave the country before long, but it seems too good to be true.

LV Brigade  Nothing to note.

 Battery  Nothing of importance to record.

AUG 10TH  The reinforcements we got the other day were sent away last night, so I think we must be going to move down the river, A Battery came down here (Sheik Saad) today, and the others are expected in a day or two.

LV Brigade  A/55 with Major HS Jackson, 2Lieuts HN Robinson & WJ Long & 1 subsection B.A.C. left for Sheik Saad via Twin Canals.  Lieut Adjt W Fletcher and Capt Harvey R.A.M.C. proceedd by boat to Sheik Saad with advance party.

C Battery  43 NCO’s and Drivers with horses joined Battery from Sheik Saad.

AUG 11TH  Got parcel from L. today, sent letter in return.

LV Brigade  A/55 arrived at Sheik Saad and pitched camp at Gomorrah.

C Battery Nothing to record.

AUG 12TH  Received letter and Card from Joe B., one from Cousin Phoebe, one from home, and one from L, sent letter home.  I get paid 15R. = 1£.

LV Brigade  Nothing to note.

C Battery  Nothing to record.

AUG 13TH  We now hear that we have to go up into action again, in three weeks or a month, it is only a rumour like the other, but I only hope its not true or all our hopes will be dashed to the ground, sent cards to Joe and Cousin Phoebe.

LV Brigade  Lieut Col HR Peck and Head Quarters and C/55 with Captain OF Herold and Lieut HN Leeson left Thorny Nullah for Sheik Saad via Twin Canals.  2Lieut AI MacLaren went to hospital sick.

C  Battery  Battery left Thorny Nulla at 6am for Twin Canals and arrived 7.30am.

AUG 14TH  We leave camp to join the Brigade about ½ mile down the river, all the Brigade are here, except B Battery, so we must wait and see what happens.

LV Brigade  HQ and C/55 arrived at Gomorrah.

C Battery  Left at 5.30am arriving at Gomarrah Camp Sheik Saad at 8.30am.



AUG 15TH  Worked very hard in putting the camp in order, we get new water bottles and field dressings, and the latest rumour is that we go back into action on the 28th of this month.

LV Brigade  Nothing to note.  Remained at Gomorrah and commenced training.

C Battery Nothing of importance to record.

AUG 16TH  Today it was terrible, the wind blew the dust about in clouds, and the rations were a bit late, on account of the driver being unable to find the way.

LV Brigade  Nothing to note.  Remained at Gomorrah and commenced training.

C Battery  Nothing of importance to record.

AUG 17TH  It's quite laughable the rumours that go round, the latest is that we are getting fit up to go to Salonika, but I think that we shall stay up here this winter.  Sent cards to L and home, got a parcel from home, it just came in time for a Birthday present, and it was grand.

LV Brigade  Nothing to note.  Remained at Gomorrah and commenced training.

C Battery  Reinforcements of 6 Gunners joined Battery.

AUG 18TH  Today is my birthday, and I got a letter and papers from home, and papers from L.  I can't say I had such a pleasant birthday, for I am out all day in the sun on Sanitary work, and I may feel the effect tomorrow.

LV Brigade  Nothing to note.  Remained at Gomorrah and commenced training.

C Battery  Nothing to record.

AUG 19TH  About dinner time today I began to go dizzy, and got pains in the head, the Q.M. gave me some brandy, and the S.M. told me to rest in the tent, at night I had a temperature of 103.

LV Brigade  Nothing to note.  Remained at Gomorrah and commenced training.

C Battery  Nothing to record.

AUG 20TH  I report sick and get Exd. Duty, although I feel a great deal better, and my temperature is only 99.  I receive letter and papers from L, letter and papers from home, and letter from Uncle Frank.

LV Brigade  Nothing to note.  Remained at Gomorrah and commenced training.

C Battery  Nothing to record.

AUG 21ST  Report sick and get Exd. Duty, do not feel too bad, sent letters to L and Uncle Frank, and card home.

LV Brigade  S.A.A. Section disbanded.

C Battery  Reinforcements from 55th SAAS 12 NCOs joined Battery.

AUG 22ND  Do not report sick this morning, day very hot.

LV Brigade  Lieut JHE de Robeck returned from leave.

C Battery  Nothing to record.

AUG 23RD  Very hot again today, we get told that we are to go to Amara on the 25th, I do not feel well towards evening.

LV Brigade  Nothing to note.

C Battery  Lt JD Robeck and 2 Drivers (servant and ....) posted to Battery.


AUG 24TH  I report sick this morning and to my horror I get sent to hospital, it’s just my luck when the Brigade are going down, to get sent to hospital.  I may be stuck up here now, I arrive at the 40th Field Ambulance about 7 in the evening, and you can bet I shall do my best to get down the river to Amara to join the Brigade.

LV Brigade  Nothing to note.

C Battery Nothing to record.

40th Field Ambulance  Transfer of cases to 16 CCS.  Transport to proceed to Amara by road to-morrow.  All surplus stores and equipment to be handed in to ordnance before to=morrow as after that no transport will be available.  The unit will proceed to Amara at some future date by river.

    Transferred to 16 CCS      Officers     4
                                               OR        88

AUG 25TH  I see the doctor and tell him that our doctor said I was not fit to go down by road, and that he wanted me to go down by boat, to join them at Amara, so I was marked for the next boat.  About 9 o clock at night, I was told to get ready for 5 o clock in the morning.

LV Brigade  B/55 with Major the Hon DA Forbes M.V.O.,  Lieut AH Pettitt and 2Lieut J Grahame-Williams rejoined the Brigade.  A/55 Major HS Jackson, 2Lieuts HN Robinson and WJ Long with Lieut JHE de Robeck attached took up positions in redoubts forming part of Sheik Saad defences.  Remainder of Brigade crossed river at 4.15pm and bivouacked 4 miles down stream forming part of large column – E.P. tents and heavy kits were left in dump to follow by steamer.

C Battery  Lt JD Robeck and servants temporary attached to A/55.  Battery leaves Gomarrah at 3.40pm en route for Amara first halt 4 miles S. of Sheik Saad at 7.45pm.

40th Field Ambulance  Orders re moving of transport received from ADMS 13th Division.  All animals are to go, ambulance wagons, but the limbers have been pronounced unfit for the journey by the J.O.M.  The wagons have been refitted with wheels by the ordnamce.

    Transferred to 16 CCS    

AUG 26TH  Getting on board a motor boat, about 50 of us are taken a little further down the river, to the 16th Clearing Station, and I suppose we shall wait here for the boat.

LV Brigade  Marched at 4.40am to Dawwayah about 13 miles.

C Battery  Moved off at 4.45am arrived at temporary camp at 10.45am.

40th Field Ambulance  The A.S.C. attached marched last night with the columns to Amara.  The following table shows the distribution:-


Description              Convoy    Left for repair    Transferred    Total
Amb Wagons              6                 Nil                          2             8
Limber carts              9                 12                          Nil             21
Mallise carts              1                 Nil                        Nil             1
Water carts              2                 Nil                         Nil             2
Mules draught       122             Nil                          8             130
Mules pack              20            Nil                          Nil             20

Total vehicle        18             12                             2               32
Total animals       158           Nil                           8              166


A baggage party of A.S.C. were left in camp to be transferred to Amara by boat with their baggage.A.S.C. lines being cleaned up.

16th Casualty Clearing Station  Remaining in unit B.O.3; B.O.R. 63 & 1 wounded.
Admitted this morning from railway trucks B.O.R. 7.
Three Bullock Ambulance received from Shaik Saad yesterday evening.

AUG 27TH  We are still at the Clearing Station, but expect to leave at any time, we are not being at all badly treated, and I have a bed to lie on, for the first time for a few months.  The doctor marked Debility on my sheet.

LV Brigade  Marched at 3.30am to Ali Al Gharbi about 13½ miles.

C Battery  Left camp at 3.45am arrived at Ali-El-Gharbi 10.15am.

16th Casualty Clearing Station  Remaining in unit B.O. 13; B.O.R. 161 & 1 wounded.
For evacuation          B.O. 13  B.O.R. 140 in evening.
No.18709 Pte Oldham, J 8th Cheshire Regiment transferred from 41st F.A. with an appalling abcess yesterday morning.  He was operated upon at once over his condition being serious.  He is making satisfactory progress.

AUG 28TH  Last night I went to the Y.M.C.A. tent, and came across a chap in the R.F.A. that was in my ward at Preston, he made me out straight away, and we had quite a long talk over old times.

LV Brigade  Marched at 3.30am to Filafilah Canal about 11 miles where newly constructed road was struck.

C Battery  Moved off at 3.40am arrived at Filafitah Canal 8.40am.

16th Casualty Clearing Station  24 blocks of ice of 55lbs each are being supplied to this unit from barge B5.  Much less than this is actually drawn on most occasions according to the number of patients in hospital.
Remaining in hospital B.O. 15 B.O.R. 230, 73 wounded.
Admitted yesterday      “     3       “        62     2      “
Private Oldham, J is making very satisfactory progress.
2Lt Lockington, FJ 6th South Lancs reported seriously ill today disease in Enteris group.  Not worse than when admitted on 26.8.16.

AUG 29TH  We are still at the Clearing Station, two or three hospital boats go past down the river, but they are all full.  I am in a large tent, about ten yards from the river bank, and can see everything that goes past, but the days seem very long.  When the doctor comes round, I am marked convalescent, and have to go to the camp, it is just my luck, for now I may have to stay up here with another unit, we get to the rest camp with a days rations but nobody seems to know anything about us, I think it was a good way of getting rid of us out of the hospital.

LV Brigade  Marched at 3.30am to opposite Shafir where ration ship met – about 7 miles.

C Battery  Moved off at 3.36am arrived opposite Shafi 6.20am.

16th Casualty Clearing Station  Private Oldham, J is making very satisfactory progress.
No. 32869 Pte Hague, A 1st Manchesters was admitted yesterday evening G.S. wound of head right sided, speech affected; operated on after arrival, fracture of skull. Blood clot let out, breathing improved.  Slept well during the night.
Admitted yesterday B.O.R. 2 one of whom wounded.
Discharged to duty B.O.R.3
Remaining in unit B.O.R. 228 & 4 wounded.
Remaining in unit B.O. 15

AUG 30TH  Ten of us are in an Indian tent, what will become of us, I can't say, I come across one of the chaps that came out from England with me, and was in the same tent at Madras, he said I was a great deal changed.  At night I went to the pictures in the open air.

LV Brigade  Marched at 2.20am (taking up more advanced position in column) to Ali Sharqi about 9 miles.

C Battery  Moved off at 2.20am arrived at Ali Sharqui 6am.

16th Casualty Clearing Station  Ptes Oldham & Hague progressing favourably.
2Lt Lockington, FJ 6th South Lancs still dangerously ill.
Received communication from A.D.M.S. Shaik Saad No 6/4/167 of 29.8.16 to say that owing to the influx of sick from 13th Division no vacant beds for British were available.
Remaining in unit B.O. 15.  Remaining in unit B.O.R. 207 & 4 wounded.

AUG 31ST  We are told to be ready at 9 o clock, with our kits packed, where we are going I can't say, however we do not go until 3-30 when we have to walk about 3 miles to the 13th Division Headquarters, in the boiling hot sun, we are none of us fit to march and a man drops out on the way and is put in hospital, we reach Headqaurters but they know nothing about us, at last we have to walk back to the Convalescent Camp belonging to the 40 & 41st Field Ambulances and are put in tents and told we have to see the doctor at 6 tomorrow night.

LV Brigade  Marched at 2.20am to Tannaz about 11 miles.

Moved off at 2.30am arrived at neighbourhood of Wailsh-Yah 5.50am.

C Battery  Moved off at 2.30am arrived at neighbourhood of Wailsh-Yah 5.50am.

16th Casualty Clearing Station  Remaining in unit B.O. 15.  Remaining in unit B.O.R. 192 & 4 wounded.
No.13311 Pte Titt, J 4th South Wales Borders died last evening.
2Lt Lockington FJ is progressing favourably.  Ptes Oldham and Hague ditto.  
No. 12618 Capt McDonnell J 8th Cheshires reported dangerously ill today.




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