‘To understand where we are today
We have to know where we have come from’

MAY 1ST Very hot wind today, sent letter to L.
LV Brigade Remained in same camp. Man of 69th Bde Amm Col sent to Post with suspected cholera and died.
C Battery In camp. Nothing to record.
MAY 2ND One of my pals sent down to Amara for stores, we heard that Gen. Townshend had surrendered at Kut-el-Amara, don't know if it is true or not, I hope not, we also expect to move on Saturday. A parcel was received to distribute amongst the troops, and in the draw for articles I got a large tin of Keatin's.
LV Brigade Nothing to note.
C Battery In camp. Nothing to record.
MAY 3RD I believe it is true about Gen. Townshend (worst luck). Today we got paid 7½ Rupees 10/- and I sent a letter to Mr. Robinson.
LV Brigade 1 man C/55 taken with cholera and died same day.
2 natives (Indian Cavalry) also taken with cholera.
C Battery In camp. Nothing to record.
MAY 4TH A chap was brought in at breakfast time suffering from Cholera, and he died at dinner time, this makes the third or fourth death we have had, the result is a lot of men are isolated, and I have to take the food to them.
LV Brigade Moved camp about ¾ mile to north of the fort.
1 case suspected cholera D/55. 1 of native cholera cases died.
C Battery No. 88345 Driver W Lawrence admitted to hospital and died same day. Suspected cholera. All contacts (13 in all) sent to Isolation Camp about 2 miles away from Battery.
MAY 5TH Three more cases of Cholera today, we are properly in it, only four of us, and we work day and night, a big storm comes over, and we have got to hang on to the tent ropes, in the pouring rain, for almost 2 hours, with the poor chaps moaning inside, we do not get a wink of sleep, for we are flooded out.
LV Brigade 2 cases cholera, both natives 1 died.
C Battery Another suspected case of cholera No. 96872 Gunner A Garton admitted to hospital. Two contacts sent to Isolation Camp.
MAY 6TH Two more cases this morning, all the other tents are cleared out, and three of us are left to look after the cases, if we pull through this we have only to thank God for his goodness.
LV Brigade Nothing to notice.
C Battery Nothing to record.
MAY 7TH &8TH We get two or three more cases, one Indian dies, we can do very little to ease the pain for the poor chaps.
LV Brigade 7th May 1 case cholera C/55.
8th May 2 cases cholera, both natives.
C Battery 7th Nay Nothing to record.
8th May Suspected case of cholera No. 5174 Bom H Matthews admitted to hospital and 10 contacts sent to isolation camp.
MAY 9TH Today I got a parcel from Home, along with some papers. I also got 2 papers from L. and some cigs from Mrs. Morton. The flies are enough to drive a chap mad, millions of them, and every time they settle they sting like wasps. Later got 3 papers and 1 letter from L., 4 from home, 1 from Uncle Henry, and one from Mr. Robinson, also papers from home, and I have been inoculated again.
LV Brigade Nothing to notice.
C Battery Nothing to record.
MAY 10TH Another Indian died last night, it is terrible being isolated, and besides being on duty all day we are on at night too, the doctor said if the Brigade went up tomorrow he would send the men away today, but they are still here. I can't even get to write a letter. Later. Got some presents from India, soap etc. also a letter from L.
LV Brigade Nothing to notice.
C Battery Nothing to record.
MAY 11TH Sent p.c. to Father, Pauline, Uncle Jack, Mrs. Morton, and L. Another Indian was brought in, but he died within quarter of an hour.
LV Brigade 1 case cholera, native.
B/55 went further upstream to camp opposite fort and form part of mobile column (Major the hon DB Forbes M.V.O.and Lieut AH Pettitt) 110 other ranks.
C Battery 12 men returned from Isolation Camp.
MAY 12TH Got letter from home, paper from L., we are expecting to move up country tomorrow, and putting the Cholera cases on a boat, we also got an enteric case today, so I think we are doing our bit. I got a letter from home to say they had received no letter for a month. I also got a paper from L.
LV Brigade Nothing to notice.
C Battery Nothing to record.
MAY 13TH We got rid of our Cholera cases this morning, we put them on a boat and sent them to Ali-el-Garbi. I must confess that I feel very much relieved, and I hope that nothing worse comes of it, for it is a ghastly disease, and as it is we have to keep away from the other chaps for 5 days, so being on the march today we had to walk behind all the rest, we expect to reach the base near the firing line either tomorrow or the following day.
LV Brigade Brigade (except B/55) marched with Echelon toward Sheik Saad. Marched about 12 miles and camped opposite Hussan El Moyed. No road but going good as ground was dry. One thunderstorm would make it impassable.
C Battery 13 men returned from Isolation Camp. Battery left Ali-El-Garbi at 7am and arrived at new camp ground near Minthar at 12 noon.
MAY 14TH On the march again today, it was very hot and I was just like a puppy with its tongue hanging out for the want of water. On the way we saw a man half in the water, he looked to have been in some time for he was half rotted away, the other day we had three or four washed up against our camp, and we get all our water from the river, we also passed a lot of dead mules on the way. I think we shall reach the base to-morrow.
LV Brigade Marched to Neassa about 11 miles. Going same as yesterday.
C Battery Left camp 7am and arrived at Neasa 11.20am.
MAY 15TH I am in charge of the men in the Ambulance Waggons today, on the way we have passed a few skeletons of both men and horses, we are now within a few miles of the base and expect to get in just after dinner. We get stuck in a stream and do not get in camp until tea-time, we camp on the river bank across from the stores, and we expect to stay here four days and be examined by the doctor.
LV Brigade Marched to opposite Sheik Saad about 5 miles. Column was from 8.45am to 5pm getting over stream which runs into Tigris about ½ mile before reaching camp. Some 500 grain sacks filled with earth were swallowed up in the mud without making any permanent improvement.
C Battery Left camp 7.08am arrived at Sheik Saad 10.45am.
MAY 16TH We have had an easy day and I send a letter home.
LV Brigade Remained amped opposite Sheik Saad in quarantine on account of recent cholera in Brigade & Echelon. Corn ration 6lbs per horse, no fodder.
C Battery Nothing to record.
MAY 17TH Spent the day as usual, sent letter to L, heavy firing during the night and early this morning.
LV Brigade Remained camped opposite Sheik Saad in quarantine on account of recent cholera in Brigade & Echelon.
C Battery Nothing to record.
MAY 18TH Expect to leave here at 4 oclock in the morning, went to Sheik Saad with the doctor and he missed the boat back. The sun was terrible 120 degrees in the shade. I got 6 Rupees 8/-.
LV Brigade Remained amped opposite Sheik Saad in quarantine on account of recent cholera in Brigade & Echelon.
C Battery Nothing to record.
MAY 19TH I am riding on the Ambulance Waggons, we got up at 2 o'clock this morning and got 3 or 4 miles in front of the Brigade when a man rode up and said all men of the 55th were to get out, as the Brigade was stopping behind, oh here I am stranded with 7 sick men and all the kit. After about three hours in the blazing sun, we are picked up by part of the 69th Brigade, they went up this morning but got orders to return to camp. We reach camp, and the rumour is flying about, that we are to stay on Garrison duty, just above Sheik-Saad.
LV Brigade Marched across Bridge of Boats to camp north of Sheik Saad.
C Battery Nothing to record.
MAY 20TH The order comes out that we are to stay in the tent between 9 o'clock and 3 on account of the heat.
LV Brigade Nothing to note.
C Battery Nothing to record.
MAY 21ST A Church Service was held today, and I was very much dissapointed that I was unable to attend it, the service was at a ¼ to 7 in the morning on account of the heat, some more gifts came for the troops, and I was lucky to get a khaki shirt and a woollen one.
LV Brigade Nothing to note.
C Battery Nothing to record.
MAY 22ND We are up at 4-30 this morning and got packed up to go about 3 mile up the river bank, now we are camped besides the river, but before we had to go about 2 miles for our water, one more Cholera case was brought in, and I and a pal were up all night.
LV Brigade Moved camp to near Gomorrah on site of camp vacated by Cavalry Brigade. Ground found dirty beyond description.
C Battery Left camp at 5pm for new camping ground at Gommorah.
MAY 23RD This morning we put him in an Indian cart and walked about 4 miles with him to hospital. After getting back I felt unwell, we are then isolated with 12 other men.
LV Brigade Nothing to note. Heavy fatigues were used to make camp habitable. 1 case cholera B/55.
C Battery No. 92054 Bom G Milne admitted to hospital suspected cholera. 12 contacts sent to Isolation Camp.
MAY 24TH Today I again feel ill, I cannot eat anything, but I am going to the latrine very often, the doctor put me on soft food and gave me an emetine injection. I might say that we have been getting bread for the last day or two, and after so many weeks on biscuits I ought to enjoy it but I can't face it, the doctor told us we should have to work until we dropped, and I think we have done it.
LV Brigade Nothing to note. Heavy fatigues were used to make camp habitable.
C battery Nothing to record.
MAY 25TH Still ill, have not eaten anything, the flies and mosquitoes are a perfect torment.
LV Brigade B/55 rejoined. Major the hon DA Forbes M.V.O., Lieut AH Pettitt, Lieut AI MacLaren and 96 O. Ranks.
C Battery Nothing to record.
MAY 26TH Feel a little better, but I still cannot face any food.
LV Brigade Nothing to note.
C Battery Nothing to record.
MAY 27TH A little better today, had a little bread, last night I got a letter from our Liz. and two from L also two papers from home and 3 from L. I'm sure we shall go mad with the flies, one continual buzz, for we are simply swarmed.
LV Brigade Nothing to note.
C Battery Nothing to record.
MAY 28TH Cannot eat much yet, I sent Indian field cards to Home, L, Billy Sagar, Grandmother and Jack Middlesborough, and got a letter from Home, and newspapers from L, also from Home.
LV Brigade Nothing to note.
C Battery Nothing to record.
MAY 29TH Feel a little better today, wrote letter to Father.
LV Brigade A/55 relieved 2 sections of 2nd Battery RFA by placing its guns in action in positions prepared as part of Sheik Saad defences. Wagon line remaining in camp.
C Battery Nothing to record.
MAY 30TH We go back to camp from the isolation tent, sent letter to L.
LV Brigade Nothing to note.
C Battery 12 men returned from Isolation camp.
MAY 31ST Very hot today, towards evening I feel very unwell.
LV Brigade Nothing to note.
C Battery Nothing to record.